Running Sucks

At least it does when you run by your self. I have GOT to find a running group. I love running races, I HATE training. Before I talk about today (remember "Run 3" written in pen), I guess I should talk about Sunday's possible run. It didn't happen. See what had happened was.... we went to the food trucks. Before going to the food trucks we stopped at the gas station to get 40's. Classy right? I actually got a 30oz Lime-A-Rita. I am not entirely sure what happened but about 1/2 way into the  drink I was feeling tipsy. Plus they were playing great music. Bob Marley and Michael Jackson. So Lindsay and I told the boys top take us to a bar. We went to Ormsby's. It was a pretty cool place. It has all kinds of games such as ski ball, bocce ball, darts, pool tables and even board games. Lindsay and I had a few more drinks and suddenly I was drunk. After my current favorite song to played

we all realized how tired we were and headed home. My favorite part of this story is that when we got home we saw that it was only 11:30.

The next morning, I felt like I had been partying all night. I was in no shape to go running.

In regards to today's run. I went out to run, but didn't really run. I have no excuse. It was totally a problem with my head. I just couldn't get my head into the game. The weather was fine, I had on comfortable cloths, my body felt good, but my head committed to quitting within the first 5 minutes. Anyway, hopefully I will have a better attitude tomorrow.


  1. A running group is a wonderful thing! I highly recommend them for motivation and support. I really don't like running by myself at all, and I'll usually talk myself out of it or at least down in mileage. But, a running group won't let you do that.

    1. That is exactly why I need it. Yesterday, I wasn't tired, I wasn't winded, I was just bored. One of my facebook friends told me about a running in my area. When my schedule changes in 2 weeks, I should be able to start meeting with them.


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