Racing Plan- Tennessee #2

I found a race I want to run. It is in March 2016. It is partial trail, which is awesome because I need more trail experience before I head out to that Ultra Marathon in AZ. Here is a excerpts that drew me in:

"If you’ve never been part of a Run Chattanooga event, you should know that we’re a little unconventional. This race won’t be like any other race you’ve run before. This course is not flat and it’s not fast. It’s not certified, and we put the mile markers in -ish locations…as in, mile 2-ish. We don’t send text messages with your mile splits to your family in Topeka, we don’t sell 4×6 photos of you crossing the finish line for $50 each. There will be no pacers, no rock bands, no big crowds. There will be more spectators with four legs than with two. You’ll have an official time, but it will be measured by a human, not a timing chip. Your medal will be handmade locally, not shipped in from China. We’re grassroots and we love it."

They had me at unconventional...and coon skin cap: "First time participants in this race will receive a coonskin cap at the finish line.* Returning runners will receive a commemorative coffee mug. We gave this style of coffee mug away as swag for one of our other events and people haven’t stopped raving about how perfect they are."

And handmade: "Finishers of all distances (including relay teams) will receive a locally handmade wooden medal with the option to customize it with your name and/or Marathon Maniac or Half Fanatic number! Marathoners and half marathoners completing their chosen distance for the first time will receive a special gift."

Due to the trails, I don't think I will have any friends that will be interested in running with me but I bet I can find a cheerleader to come along for the views:

Details of Racing Plan- Tennessee #1 coming soon.


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