Not Much to Report

Not a whole bunch going on these days. Last week I made it to Sky Zone one day, did a Shaun T Hip Hop Abs video one day, and continued the crunch and squat challenge. I did worked overnight shifts on Weds, Thurs, Friday. I usually sleep as long as I possible can so I didn't really have time to do my squats  at home. I got creative and did 20 squats every time I went to the bathroom. A little untraditional but it works.

On Thursday, Henry and I lost on of our turtles. By "lost" I mean passed away. It was our female "Number 10". I have no idea what happened. We have had her somewhere around 10-12 years. Turtles (Red Ear Sliders) can easily live 30+ years in captivity.  Her partner in crime "Harry" seems to be doing fine. Basking and swimming normally.

A baby Number 10

That's Number 10 on top.


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