Surprised that I know so many experts

I am taking a break from Travon Martin Facebook. I had no I idea that I knew hundreds of people that are experts on the case. Not only are they experts on the case, but they knew what was going thru the minds of both Travon and George.

I do have an opinion about the who thing, but my opinion doesn't matter and I am not actually well enough informed to feel secure about my opinion.

I found it extremely disappointing that people that I know have so much hate and anger towards people of different opinions. I find myself wanting to lash out to people on both sides of this case. I don't want to do that. Because I will only have a feeling of accomplishment for about 60 seconds. The approximate amount of time it will take for someone to comment on my comment.

Over the last 24 hours, I have found myself seeking out Facebook statuses about the case just so I can get myself worked up. Its like a car wreck, I just can't help but look. So, I am just going to avoid Facebook entirely for a week or so.

I figure I can just throw myself into running.... Or reading and writing about running.


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