The evolution of a faux runner

It throws me off when people ask me questions about running, because I don't really consider myself to be a runner. I just happen to run some fun and wacky races on occasion.

But here is a simple lil' timeline of my running.

In 1991, when I was 11 I ran my first 10K. It was the world famous Peachtree Road Race.

We actually trained for that one. I didn't particularly like training. Although I enjoyed the neighborhood we trained in because it had beautiful mansions, I found running to be a bit boring. But when race day came and I had tens of thousands of people cheering me on, I had fun.

So over the years, I ran the Peachtree on and off. I never trained, I just went out and ran it. That worked well for awhile...and then I turned 30. My times got really sloooow and I felt like crap after running. Around the same time I discovered how much fun running became when it involved mud, colors, obstacles, costumes, pancakes, chocolate and the dark. So I started running on a regular basis.

I found one of those couch potato to 5k training plans and made it my own. I couldn't stick to the exact plan, I couldn't even run every day. I just used the concept. I started out with small spurts of running in between walking. Then I slowly increased the amount of running and decreased the amount of walking. Then started adding more time to the overall time of my run/walk. I think the Firefly run was the first time that I ran a 5k without stopping to walk.

Here are a couple pictures of the fun runs that I have done over the last few years.

Warrior Dash 2011
 Color Run 2012
Dirty Girl 2012
Firefly Run 2012
End of the World 2012
Hot Chocolate Run 2013

      Vampire 5k 2013

 Glow Run 2013

I guess the reason I don't consider myself to be a real runner is because I am not all that fast. If I run without walking, I do about a 11 minute mile. If I implement spurts of walking then I do about a 12.5 minute mile. According to the internet, I am slow for my age. Granted the internet doesn't know that I live in Atlanta the city of Hills, Heat and Humidity.  And I think that should account for something.


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