On the move

well I haven't blogged much recently because I have just been on the run. Not running per say, just running around a lot. Fat kitty (Marshmellow) scratched her cornea and had to go to the vet 3 times. Bad dog (Sir. Clydesdale) hurt his back and also wound up at the vet. The blind dog (Madame Maxine) and handy capable kitty (Crazy Leg Slapshot)  managed to keep themselves out of trouble.

I had homework in RMA I, a project to think about in Bio Neuro, and a test to prepare for in Ed. Psy. My work schedule was a little out of whack which messed up my sleep schedule and I had a virus on my computer.

So I didn't blog. But I did run a few times. Including The Hot Lips Hustle. It went pretty well. I still don't have a watch with a GPS so I am not completely of my pace, but I think my first mile was right at 10 minutes (Which is where I want to be). There was no chip or official race time but the clock said 34 when I crossed the finish line. I am pretty happy with that. Eventually, I want to be faster but that will come with time.

The best part of the race though....
Icecream bar at the end.


  1. Holy cow! I want to run that race! The ice cream looks amazing. I love sprinkles.

  2. It WAS amazing. They had quit the spread there. Several different types of cookies, and the sweetest coldest watermelon.. I love sprinkles too, esp. on chocolate iced donuts from Krispy Kreme.


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