Breathing a necessity for running

I haven't run or done any kind of exercise in about a week. I have had a respiratory funk for the last week. I can take a breath in but it hurts to breath out and usually results in a hacking cough. I think it may have developed from standing in the rain for 8 hours at music midtown. Oh well, atleast we had fun.

Friday is the Freight Fest run at Six Flags. It is an untimed fun run, so even if I am not at my 100%; I should be fine. I will just enjoy being scared and take pictures of some of the cool costumes.

Saturday morning will be my Breast Cancer 3Day teams' (Tutus for Tatas) 5k run called Rock n Rib Run. Or as I like to call it the Rack n Rib run. I am hoping to get to help them in someway. I have not been a very good team member. It is just so hard to go to school full time, work full time, find time to study and fundraise.

Anyway, I am going to try to meet the early runners from MRTT in Suwanee and then head over to our team race to help anyway needed. And then study, then get a nap before work. Piece of cake right?


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