On Eating Birds

Around 20 years ago, all my friends were becoming vegetarians. For that reason, and a few others I told my mom that I was going to be a vegetarian. "Yeah right..." she said "there is no way, you can stop eating buffalo wings".  At the time I LOVED buffalo wings. I was not a super rebellious teen, however I DID want to prove a point. And I'd like to think that I did.

A few months ago, I decided that I am going to start eating birds....after talking to my friend Bradley I realize that I am need to clarify that I don't mean cockatoos, blue jays or falcons. I mean chicken and turkey. Basically I want to have more healthy dinner options for the boy and I. (He eats meat) Plus, I love avocado and there are so many great sounding turkey and avocado sandwiches' out there.

Although I call myself a "vegetarian," I am technically a "pescetarian" because I do eat fish/seafood. Since I have always eaten fish, it shouldn't be that big of a deal... but it kinda is. I am nervous. I made this decision about 4 months ago but I still haven't gotten the nerve to actually do it.

So basically, I am putting this out there and telling everyone so you can hold me accountable.

Check in with me next week to see if I have had any bird yet.


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