A year in review

That ecard isn't entirely true. It is a more accurate description of  my "training". I almost ran more races than I did practice runs.

I ran nine races this year.

One 15k
One 10k
and 7 5k's

I got to wear costumes to four of them.
Four of them were night runs.
Three of them served Hot Chocolate.
Two of them served beer.
and one had ice cream.
But my actual favorites were the peaches and the watermelon.

I usually ran about a 10 1/2 to 11 1/2 min mile. Nothing to write home about but not too embarrassing.

My goal for this year is to run a steady 10 minute mile. I also want to run once race every month for 2014. It will be a little difficult because my work schedule is changing and I will be working Saturday day shift. Hopefully I can find some decent Sunday races.

I also hope to find more races that serve beer.


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