I am a runner

When I started this blog, I said that I wanted to become "a real runner"...Jump to last month. Since I live in the "Hollywood of the South", they announce movie extras needs at the end of the news. Last month, they asked for female runners and the boy looks at me and says "You are a runner."...And I realized, I actually am a runner.

I am not a fast runner and I am not a super dedicated runner but I am a runner. I hate training, but I finally got a running watch and I am just sure that will make all the difference in the world.

(I went with the Garmin Forerunner 210. Fleet Feet had them for 50% during their 12 days of Christmas. I got the very last one!)

In all honesty, I am never going to be someone who runs 4 or 5 times a week...but I hope I can at least do it 3 times a week. After all,  I am running my first half marathon the first weekend in February. I don't think I can just wing it. I just need to tell myself that it is something I have to do. I just do. Just like homework or studying. I don't enjoy doing it, I just do it.


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