Ugly Sweater Run

December 14th

For my birthday this year, I requested that the boy run a 5k with me. I picked the Ugly Sweater Run. I was super excited! The race included: fancy mustache, knitted stocking cap, hot chocolate, and beer. The course was to include (machine made) snow, and Christmas music....instead of snow we had 3 miles of POURING rain, and the city of Atlanta threw in a boot on the car.

It went down like this.

Weather channel schedule rain for the day (100% chance). Sure enough, they delivered. We woke up to pouring rain. As we drove to Piedmont park, it began to pour harder.

We were a little late so instead of looking for parallel parking, we parked in a grocery store parking lot. After we parked the rain started to ease off. Actually, it was really kind of nice. It was a little chilly but we had on our big ugly sweaters so it didn't matter. We picked up our fancy mustaches and caps...and then it started pouring again.

It poured the whole course. After awhile we just started laughing about it. We were jumping in puddles and splashing each other. When other people did they same we shouted that they had gotten us wet and laughed.

The park really does seem to have a irrigation problem. Every time, I have been there this year, it has been flooded. Granted we have a A LOT of rain this year and I guess the park kind of is in a hole... but anyway.

The boy did good. He hadn't really run since around 1997 and way back then it was probably only around a mile. He did a run walk kind of method. Or really a sprint around other people walk kind of  method, but I was really proud of him. I was prepared for us to just walk the whole thing.

I am not sure how long it took. I would guess around 45 minutes.

When we finished, we got the hot chocolate but passed on the beer. It was still pouring, the was a long line...and it was in that music midtown style mud.

Guess what stopped as we walked to the car: the rain.

Which we laughed about, until we saw the boot on the car. Boo. That is one $75. mistake we will never make again. They guy that removed the boot said we could go in every store in that parking lot, but the second we step off the property we can get booted.

We were pretty pissed but our delicious lunch at Bone Garden helped us get over  it.

(Eventually, I will add a picture of us in our ugly sweaters, mustaches, and knitted caps)


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