New Years at Noon

I was a little worried about my first run of the year. I had just a few things going against me. First of all, I am happy to say that  I managed to donate blood before the end of 2013. At the blood drive, I casually mentioned that I would be running a 5k the next day and some of the guys gave me a really hard time... My favorite part was when they explained how RBC carry oxygen. I wasn't all that worried but it was in the back of my mind. I also had horrible craps. And lastly, although I hadn't been drinking, I did turn over the New Year by standing in the cold around a campfire (Not complaining. I had a great time).

All I wanted to do was lay in bed with a heating pad (and that is what the boy suggested) but I got myself up and put my running cloths on. Not only that, but we went to the run.

The route was really nice. It was at Sandy Creek Park in Athens.

My run itself was okay. My time was 37:39. I really like to keep my run under 36 and closer to 34 (and my goal is 30). I said that to the boy, and he said "But all you did to prepare was drink extra water".  He always puts things into perspective and makes me feel better.


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