
One week into the year and I have done a decent job training. By decent, I mean I have run like 3 times. But I am pleased with that.

The boy even joined me one day. It was really nice. I told him that I was going to go for a 5 mile run and he said he wanted to join then I altered the plans to be a 3 mile run. I really did not expect him to run the whole time but I didn't want to do the whole sprint and then walk at random times so I set my watch to 1.5/1 intervals. It worked for about a mile... The watch continued to work, but the boy stopped following the watches instructions. But that is okay! I was happy to have his company. And I know that running isn't for everyone.

The other 2 days, were treadmill days. Both times I set the treadmill on the preset "speed intervals".

What I find so intersting is how much the "walk intervals" slow you down. First of all the preset walk interval is TWENTY FOUR freaking minutes. Seriously?! Who is comfortable swtiching from a 9:40 to 24:00?

I have gotten pretty good at qwickly changing the pace to something a little more reasonable but even waking at 15:40 slows down the mph quit a bit. I wish, I was a little better at math so I could figure out how to reach my desired overall mph but still include some walking/rest periods.

I guess I should just google it.


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