Rock the New Moon

Well it is only month 3, but so far so good on the whole 1 race every month. This morning I got up in the pitch dark (first day of daylight savings) and headed to the Rock the New Moon run at Lenora Park in Snellville.

The run was put on by Deborah Montgomery Racing. I really liked the way it was run. They have 1-2 runs every month at the various Gwinnett County Parks. Every time they have a 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon. Every participant receives a generic tshirt and finishers medal. The shirt is actually pretty nice though. Nothing fancy, but it is a dry whicking tech shirt that I be able to use for training. The medal is really nice. I was expecting some little plastic thing that was the same for every race but it was a heavy medal and actually had the name of this particular race.

There was only about 30 runners and we all started out together on the same route regardless of our distance. Along the route there were very clear instructions for turn around points, etc. for the different distances. I highly recommend Deborah Montgomery Racing and will running with them again this year.

So enough about those types of logistics, time for my performance.

My New Years at Noon and my 5k time for the Rock N Roll half were pretty slow. They were somewhere around the 37-39 minute mark. (I think my best time ever was between 34-35.) Last night while I was charging my watch; I set a goal of 36 minutes and I randomly set my intervals to be run: 8 minutes/walk 30 seconds.

When I got to the end of my first 8 minute run interval, I didn't really feel like I needed to walk but for some reason I was worried that I could run for 16 minutes strait and I didn't want to get off intervals so I walked. I skipped the one after that.

I felt pretty good the whole run. When I started to feel my self dragging during really flat areas; I just leaned forward and pushed harder. My watch really helped with that. I like being able to look down and see my pace and change accordingly.

When all is said and done, I beat my goal. Today's time was 33:38. I think it is time that I start thinking like a real runner and call it a PR. (But I won't start bragging about times, till I have something to brag about.)


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