Let the training begin

Today is the day. The day the Jeff Galloway official Dopey training begins. I knew when I went to bed last night, that I was not going to get up at 5am and meet up with MRTT to run but I had planned on getting up at 8am and going for a run. Unfortunately, my alarm clock was set for 8pm. I woke up at 8:30 when the boy got up, but at this point I missed my window of motivation. At 8:55am I reset my alarm clock for 9:30. At 10:05, I finally stopped re pressing the snooze button and got up.

So now, it is a sunny 82 degrees at 11:25 a.m. and I haven't changed out of my p.j.'s. My plan is to be out of the house to go run within the next 20 minutes.

...It took my just a little longer than 20 minutes to get out of the house. But that was only because I realized that I needed to get my bathing suit and pool bag for some relaxation afterwards.

I have heard so many complaints about different gels upsetting peoples stomachs so I want to start trying things on short runs. Last week, I had a blackberry GU. This wasn't actually on a run, I was just sitting around the house. I didn't love the taste, but I didn't have any problems. Today I tried a Stinger on the way to the park. I thought it tasted pretty decent. It basically tasted just like honey. But shortly after finishing, I started to feel a little sick to my stomach. I actually thought I might need to vomit. But as time passed I realized, I just needed to burp a few times. By the time I had my watch set for 1/1 intervals the burpy feeling was gone.

My run started out a little hard. My lungs and legs felt a little heavy but that first minute went by really fast. After my first walk break, I started to get into a better grove.

Actually, I was kind of impressed when I looked at my watch during my run times and saw that I was  running under a 10mm. I didn't even feel like I was pushing myself particularly hard.

That being said, my walk times were pretty slow. They weren't in the beginning, at first I was walking about a 15mm. But by the end they were almost a 19mm.

The most interesting part of my run was when  I was completely frozen in my tracks by the site of a deer. Now, I am used to seeing deer. My old house always had deer in the yard but something about this was different. I actually felt threatened by her. But after about a minute, I was able to break out of the trance and walk off the path and out of her way.

All in all, my run worked out to be a 13:40mm.

After my run, I had a very relaxing time at the pool.


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