Peachtree Road Race 2014

What a beautiful day for a run! It was about 65degrees witha cool breeze. Most have been the best starting weather in Peachtree Road Race history. As always, the boy did a great job driving me down Peachtree till the road is closed. He droped me off about 20 minutes before my starting corral. Perfect timing. I was able to use the porta potty and get in my corral about 10 minutes before it was our turn.

When we lined up at the start line..I had to go again. I mean what do I expect after chugging 2 bottles of water on the ride? At this point I didn't see any porta pottys so I knew I would have to go along the route, which I wasn't a big fan of becasue I did have a time goal of 75 minutes and didn't want to lose time waiting in line. 

I had a watch malfunction the moment my foot went over the start line. For what ever reason I did not hear the warning that it was going into power saving mode and just as I was about to press the "start" button the screen chaged.

So then I was there I was jogging resetting my intervals (1/.50), and finding a signal. Not a great start to the race.

At the one mile marker, I spotted 3 porta pottys with an okay line. It took me about 5 minutes to get thru the line, take my turn and get back on the race. Actually, now that I think about it maybe it took longer...(the point is I kind of want to subtract my lost time from my race time) after that I went just a little further and spotted the 30 porta pottys lined up with no line. Oh well, I will remember that for next time.

It was smooth sailing after that. I had a half a pack of Clif Bar Shot BLOKS (Black Cherry) at the third mile. This was the first time that I had ever tried them and I thought they were okay. I think I was expecting a gummy bear texture but would describe the more like a Orange Slice texture. You know, just a little thicker. Anyway, I don't know if they gave me extra gas (energy) but they did not give me the other type of gas (burp burp).

I honestly felt really good. I had some discomfort in my right knee around the 4 mile mark but no fatigue.

When I saw the 5 mile sign I felt great. I decided to stop doing walking intervals and just run. I am not entirely sure of my pace because the GPS a little confused around all the tall buildings. I felt like I was really booking it but my watch said 20+mm, then it suddenly dropped down to 8 something. At first I thought the 8 something was wrong. I thought it was just confused by my newly found location but it actually hovered at that speed for awhile.

I was not able to keep up that pace for the whole last 1.2 but I did at least stay under a 10mm.

I saw the boy and Kristy at the photo line and they got a great picture of me giving Kristy a high five.

Peachtree Road Race has my time listed as 76:39. My fastest PTRR ever ( I always feel so silly calling it a PR when it is still really slow).

Oh yeah, Meb did not pass me!

Remember that porta potty line...well if I take away those 5 minutes I bet my goals! But even though the boy said I could, I don't really think I can subtract that time.

After I got my ice cold towel I met back up with the boy got a juice peach and waited to see Stephanie finish her first PTRR (and maybe her first 10k). Her mom and brother did it too and they all looked great.

Noelle and the girls came into town to run it but we weren't able to meet up.

After that, the boy did a great job getting us from one side of Atlanta to the other for some Bone Garden. Man that place is good.

My michelada tasted PERFECT!


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