Costume Planning

I don't know that this is blog worthy but I guess since this blog is really about inspiring myself than I guess it is all blog worthy.

One of my favorite things about running is costumes! I love figuring out how a costume can tie into the theme of a race etc. So now that I have booked a hotel and a return flight (Still a little undecided about transportation down) I am ready to plan my costume!!

For some reason, I have been picturing a Peter Pan theme since the beginning. I am not sure why. I like Peter Pan but I don't know that it has ever been my favorite.

I have several different ideas.
My list of possible characters are:
Captain Hook
The Croc
Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Tiger Lily

Currently my thoughts are:

Captain Hook for the 5k. I figure Captain Hook involves the most props and I wouldn't want to be stuck with a big pirate hat (which I of course already know for parties on boats), a hook, and a sword for much longer than 3 miles. I would like to make a red and black tutu with some yellow tulle down the front sides to look the gold on his coat.

Tinkerbell for the 10k. I like this idea for a tutu.
I like how they are tied off on the ends.

For the half marathon I am thinking either Peter Pan on Tiger Lily. I was really thinking Peter Pan until about an hour ago I realized the Tiger Lily would be really fun. I did Peter Pan, I would make a green sparkle skirt. I found a tutorial that makes it seem relatively simple enough (I'll add the link later). But if I do Tiger Lily, I would make a brown tutu with feathers.
The biggest problem with that is....packing. Three tutus is a lot. I don't want to squash them all but I need room for other stuff. If mom and I drive down, that wont be a problem but if I take mega bus now, it is something to keep in mind. I also wonder how I would feel about running 13 miles wearing a tutu. I plan on making one for the my Diva half marathon as a test.

For the full marathon, I am thinking Smee. I am most sure about this costume. Simple blue and white stripe top, blue sparkle skirt (will try to make it) red sweaty band.


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