I'm feeling good

I'm feeling really good about my Dopey training. Thanks to the boy starting on the Couch to 5k program, I am running at least 3 days a week (his knees are bothering him and I haven't run since my half on Saturday) and I feel pretty great after long runs.

I am also feeling good about my decision to save my first marathon for Dopey. I have listened to advice on both sides. The biggest thing that people who say DON'T make Dopey your first marathon is to "respect the miles". I can honestly say, that I do respect the miles.

I know that the body mechanics for walking versus running are VERY different but after walking in 8 Breast Cancer 3 days, I think I can say "I respect the miles.".

I know what if feels like to wake up morning after morning and put one foot in front of the other. I know that my body might hurt and that I might do some complaining but that I will still find a way to laugh, smile and appreciate my opportunities.

I believe in myself.


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