PTRR #14,15, or 16

I've done it again. I have run yet another AJC Peachtree Road Race. I've kind of lost track of how many. A few years ago, I said I was doing #15 but now I think that might have been #13. IDK. Doesn't really matter.

In all the years that I have done it, I have never had to do it in the rain. I was prepared for rain two years ago, but just as I walked to the start line, it stopped. This year was the opposite.

On the drive down there was some drizzling going on. As I walked around the staging area, there was a little more. I had the thought, "I should my annual picture of the flag in case it comes down before my wave (it is special and cant get too wet)" then the thought was gone. When my wave approached the start line, the flag was down (enter sad face).

As the voice bellowed out of the speakers "Are you reeeeadddyyy group LLLL" the clouds opened up and it started pouring. There seemed to be mixed emotions. Some people moaned, some laughed, some (like me) raised their arms to the sky and accepted the inevitable.

We all took off at about a 11mm pace. After about 4 minutes there was a lighting strike, some  screams and some confusion. Should we take cover? Run faster? Get low? I think group L collectively decided to run a little faster.The groups behind us were told to take cover. They were delayed 30 minutes.

For the first mile, I ignored my GYMBOSS interval simmer. During the second mile I took it as a suggestion. By the third mile, I actually did what it said.

During the third mile I started to hurt a little and "slowed down".  Then for the fourth, fifth and sixth, I went back to taking the GYMBOS as a suggestion.

When I looked at my splits later, I discovered that the third mile was my fastest. It is so interesting how that works. When you stick to the plan, you do better.

Anyway, it poured for the first 3 miles then it started to slow down a little...and I missed the rain. Although it was only 68 degrees out, I felt  hot. But don't you worry, it started up again about a 1/2 mile later.

As always, the streets were lined with spectators handing out alcohol. Less than usual because of the rain but those out there were full of spirit.

I saw the usual crew at the usual spot and shouted hello as I crossed the photo line. Then I saw the boy and finished strong.

Although I did not make me goal time of 70 minutes, I did take 3 minutes off and finished in 73 minutes.

The park, as always, was a muddy mess. Of course it isn't really always a muddy mess but it has been the last five times that me and the boy have been there.

I was really impressed with a couple of changes at the Peachtree this year. 

Number 1: the shirts. The AJC Peachtree Road Race has always made  a big deal about the shirts. There is a big compatition with the design and you don't know what it will be until you get it. But they have always been thick cotton shirts well this year, they were soft Mizuno shirts. Love em! 

Number 2: they worked hard at making sure every runner got food. We were given food boxes in the finish line area and one of the volunteers called me out for taking a second peach for the boy. I still saw people with bags of stuff, but I really feel like it was more controlled this year. 

So good job! Thank you for a great event. I can't wait till next year. 


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