Reflection and Goals

Although I have not been very good at keeping up with my blog, I'm not ready to give up on it. In 2016, I am hoping to use it as a tool to help me grow as a stronger runner. I feel like it really helped me hold my self accountable as I trained for the Dopey Challenge so hopefully it can help me with my future goals.

I feel pretty good about my 2015 running accomplishments. I ran my 1st marathon, 3 half marathons, 3 10ks, 5 5ks and 1 Ragnar Race (and the Dopey Challenge of course!).

The thing I am most proud of is the amount of none racing running I did. What is that I really need to thank Lizzy and her Dopey training for that. Week after week, regardless of our desire to do it, we ran. And due to that, I feel great. I rarely hurt or feel winded when I run (well not counting that shin splint issue).

Actually, I need to derail for from myself for a second and say how excited I am for Lizzy's upcoming Dopey Challenge. She has trained so hard and I believe she is ready to crush it! In addition to training her ass off, she has rocked her fundraising goals! Once again she has surpassed the required amount and raised $2500. for Autism Speaks! Thank you for your contribution Elizabeth!

As I was saying, I have really been feeling great. The other day I was reading an article that helped people answer the question of why they aren't getting faster. It asked questions like "Are you out of breath" "Did you run out of fuel" "Are your legs aching" and none of them applied to me. So I've come to realize that I have not been pushing myself.

When I first started training for the Dopey Challenge, I started doing interval training. I felt like it was the best way for me to pace myself and safely finish 48.6 miles. For 2016, I'm going to turn my attention else where. It is not that I am turning my back to interval running. It is just no longer going to be my focus. Due to my addiction to beautiful paper products and sparkly planners, I bought 2 2016 Kikki K planners and have turned one of them into a running journal. My plan is to take notes after each run and just figure out what works best for me.

I have also created a few goals for 2016:
Run a 5k in under 30 minutes
Run a half in 2 hours and 30 minutes
Run a trail race
Make top 3 in my age group in 1 race
Run 3 times a week
Walk to the top of Stone Mountain once a month
Run 2016 miles
and Inspire someone (in a running capacity)


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