Run Builder

I am on week 3 of my run builder program and so far, I am really enjoying it. I haven't been perfect; week 1 and 2 I did 4 out of my 5 exercises. I missed chest & back and hill day both weeks. Which is unfortunate because I have lots of mid back pain and it would probably be very helpful for me to strengthen those muscles. I could also benefit from hill work!

I have also missed 1day this week. I was really worn out after Wednesday's shift and I just couldn't get up the energy to exercise when I got home from work. In theory, I could try to do it after work today (today is a "rest day") but I will have to play it by ear.

I would grade myself with a "B" but I have made one other big error. I am supposed to do a plank challenge after every workout and I have only remembered to do it twice (and I forgot to write down my time. So maybe...C+

My goal for next week is to do the plank challenge at least 3 days.

I think next weeks biggest road block next week will be NOT running. There is actually no running on the calendar weeks 3-6. I don't run every week so it hasn't been hard so far but by week 6 I will be stressing. I suppose I could do a run in addition to the other days but I really don't think I am supposed to...wish me luck.


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