I slept threw week 6

I have really been enjoying my 12 week run builder program. It was really difficult to not run weeks 3-5 (I did break the rule for a race during week 4) but I loved the HIIT that I did instead.

Last week I was excited to finally be back to running. I had a 20 mile run planned for Saturday and I was pumped! On Tuesday, I slept until 11am, had a sore throat and a little bit of a cough. Around 3pm, I decided that I should run and sweat it off. I got to the park around 4pm (ya know, the hottest part of the day). I ran about 5 miles including the hill and felt pretty good. But as I drove home, I started to feel way worse. By dinner time, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I hardly slept but convinced myself to got to work.  I went home sick before lunch time.

 felt much better by Friday but decided my Saturday 20 mile run was out....I was going to do it Sunday instead. By the time Sunday rolled around, my throat was worse, I slept late and took a long afternoon nap. Sometimes you just have to let you body rest.

I still have some drainage but I am feeling a lot better!

Week 6 was a wash but I am looking forward to week 7! Henry and I have plans on Saturday so I am not totally sure when I am going to do my long run but I will get it in!


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