That's what she said

Well, I still didn't get in my long run. I started earlier but still not early enough. After 2 miles, I had sweat pouring off of me. POURING! I looked in the mirror after using the bathroom and it looked like I had been swimming.

In the middle of carriage hill, I saw this guy.

Although, I immediately knew it was nonvenomous, I literally jumped. My hands were shaking as I quickly got out my phone...because obviously I had to take a picture or it would be like it never happened.

After it had successfully made it to the other side of the path and as I was recovering from the trauma, another guy came up behind me. "Look at what just scared the sh*t out of me" and pointed to the snake.  We talked about it for a second, I said I just assumed it was some sort of rat snake or a snake that eats other snakes. He then said "all I know is, its big and black" So in my head I said.... (well, I assume most people would think or say the same thing. But typing it seems dirtier than thinking it so I'll just let you add your own punch line).

I was listening to the podcast "Alice Isn't Dead" and my headphones died around the 4.5 mile mark. I also had some shin pain so I turned around and walked back to the car....and don't worry I watched out for my snake friend and his family members every step of the way.  

All in all, I made it about 6 miles. So the long run gets delayed once again.


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