My happy place

I haven't returned to my bike since that terrible 4 mile ride but I have gone swimming several much more my speed! I just feel so at peace in the water! 

This weekend, I went to an open water swim at Red Top Mountain. Several people recommended it and I do too! Totally different from swimming in a lane that you have all to yourself! 

First of all, I felt tired more quickly. At one point they had us swim to the opposite beach which was about 100 meters away and I felt pretty tired on my way back. A little later in the class they had us swim about 300 meters, I guess I was more at ease because it didn't feel so bad. 

Second of all, I use lane ropes and pool lines more than I realized. Figuring out sighting is really hard. How often should I do it? Do I do it the same time that I breath, or in-between breathes? Do I look for a buoy or a beach/horizon? 

And third, it is kind scary to be swimming that close to people. While doing the longer distances, we spread out a little but at we did practice being in a tight space and going around a buoy. I was in the front of the pack so I didn't have feet in my face but I was a afraid of kicking someone and I certainly had arms in my face. 

I am going to go to another open water swim on the 30th and might try to swim somewhere at Lake Lanier. 

Sigh,.....I will also start riding my bike again soon. 

Once again, I suck at selfies


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