That point one could make all the difference

I had forgotten how quick and easy 5ks can be. At some point a couple of years ago, I stopped doing them because the drive was longer than the race. But I recently decided to start giving them another try. I have had 2 in the last month and I have really enjoyed them!I ran the Digital Dash in downtown Marietta about 4 weeks. It raised money for Berts Big Adventure and CHOA. Race morning was nice and cool.

I don't know if I would call it hilly but there were a couple of big-ish hills. At one point I was pushing-thru up a hill and I was feeling pretty good about myself because everybody else seemed to be walking when I suddenly heard this tiny little voice say "Yay! Faster!". I looked behind me and a man was gaining speed while pushing a double stroller. I was not having that so I pushed a little harder. I told myself I could walk and let him pass when I made it to the top. Although he did finish the race before me he did not pass me on that hill!

Around mile 1.5 or so, a 9 year old girl started talking to me.  She was having an "off day". She apparently did the Peachtree Road Race in under an hour with her brother from M.I.T. Although she wasn't having her best race, she was hoping her dad would "win". In my head, I was like "ah, how sweet"....up but he did. He came in first.

She also expressed that she hoped her parents would not be disappointed with her (because she didn't run as fast as she usually does). I assured her that her parents would still very proud of her and that I was impressed that she was out running 3 miles when tons of kids her age was still in bed sleeping. That is when she said, "Don't forget that point one!" You can make or break a race with that. I have the feeling her dad taught her that one....or maybe her electrical engineer brother at M.I.T.

Oh yeah, she sprinted that last point one! I did not, I just kept my same pace. I finished in about 34 minutes and some change. Although it I wasn't super fast, it went by super fast! Seriously, why did I stop doing 5ks?!


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