Colder than Cold

I have been stressing about my Millinocket half marathon (that race in Maine in December). People keep telling me I am crazy (which makes me laugh and smile) but honestly, my biggest fear is that it won't be cold and I won't see a snowflake.
That is just kinda my winter luck (cold and dry or coldish and wet).
I think I have googled "winter in Maine" "Maine December" "snow in Maine" "snow season in Maine" "ground snow Maine" and much more a gazillion times.
I guess my fear isn't about my race itself, but that Henry and I won't have anything to do the other days. It seems like the Appalachian Trail will be closed because it is too cold and snowmobiling won't be available because it won't be cold enough!
But today, after calling New England Outdoor Adventures (NEOA), I decided I don't care anymore! Whatever happens, happens.
Henry and I will laugh and enjoy each other's company no matter what!
So besides our flights and our hotel in Millinocket (which was booked long ago), I am not planning anything.
Well, except maybe my cute outfit!
The woman at NEOA told me to plan for -20/20 below/20 degrees colder than zero/COLDER THAN COLD (she goes to Florida in December).
So please, feel free to offer advice for cold weather running attire. 


  1. Love love love your attitude. you should wear those very warm wintery leggings I got you last year.

  2. I am looking forward for it to be cold enough to wear those amazingly soft leggings!


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